Here, we explain the steps to take if cash is not awarded upon completing an offer.

First, please check our page outlining the process from starting an offer to completing it: here


Required Information for Inquiry


After reviewing the above, if you determine that cash is not being reflected due to an issue, please contact us through the contact form. For investigation purposes, please provide the following information:


  1. Please specify which of the following options the case pertains to:

    A. Adgem

    B. Tapjoy

    C. MychipsOffer

    D. Lootably

    E. RevU

    F. Bitlabs

    G. Other (individual offer pages within the service)

  2. Please accurately state the Ad name of the relevant case.

  3. Date and time when the "cash GET" button was clicked.

    1. Please provide the exact date and time when you clicked the "cash GET" button for the relevant case.
  4. Date and time when the achievement was reached.

    1. Please provide the exact date and time when you reached the achievement point for the relevant case.
  5. Screenshot showing the achievement (optional).

    1. If available, please attach a screenshot that clearly shows the achievement point was reached.
  6. User ID used within the relevant case.

    1. If the relevant case includes a user ID, please provide it.
  7. Platform used (iOS, Android, PC).

    1. Please specify the platform you used for the relevant case (iOS, Android, PC) </aside>

Contact Form Link: here